Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The pseudoscientific Astromancy

 Technically speaking astromancy is synonymous to astrology or occult or mysticism. Could be complex but to elucidate it unambiguously it is the study of the celestial bodies the stars , the sun , the moon and the other planets that are mars Venus mercury Jupiter Saturn and the two shadow planets known as the north node of the moon (Rahu) and the south node of the moon(Ketu ) . This is not what astrology is about the most prominent aspect of astrology is the 27 constellations which acts behind the scenes and provide hidden insights on various significant factors affecting our lives. Also the time when the person is born is a prerequisite for astrological interpretation. 

 This was just a basic understanding to astromancy but before knowing about it deeply it is essential to understand the origin and history of this exhilarating science. Yes it is science because it involves mathematics, astronomy, statistics and a little bit of philosophy. It is not religion biased but there have been many branches of astrology all across globe like there’s Chinese astrology , Jewish astrology, Tibetan astrology even various civilisations like the Mesopotamian, Roman, Egyptian and Persian . But out of all of this Vedic astrology is the highly renowned formed of astrology because Indians were the first to talk about astrology it’s been a traditional thing for the Indians it is part of our upbringing and culture. Maharishi Parashara is considered as the Father of Vedic Astrology . Vedic astrology as the name suggests has been mentioned in the vedas , the ancient scriptures in the Hindu culture.

There are not only 9 planets and 27 nakshatras but there are also tithis the moon cycle as moon has been cursed to wax and wane by his father in law “Daksha Prajapati” and after he did an extreme penance to please Lord Shiva and eventually blessed him his true form was retained and was given the blessing that everyday his physical form would diminish in one aspect and continue to grow in other aspect. So there are 2 phases one is known as the Shukla Paksha(Bright fortnight) and Krishna Paksha(Dark fortnight) and there are two extreme time period in the month which are amavasya(no moon) and Poornima (full moon). Bright fortnight is considered extremely auspicious and most of the religious activities can be performed during this phase , whereas Dark fortnight isn’t favourable for performing certain auspicious activities or hosting certain important events.

Another major aspect of Vedic astrology is the ascendant or the rising sign which is the protagonist in the determination of a birth chart. It is the sign which was rising in the east when a person was born , it could be any out of the 12 zodiacs that are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Just like the 12 signs there are 12 houses with the above signs mentioned respectively. Now these 12 signs have various rulerships by the 9 planets .

Sun: lord of the 5th house which is Leo sign

Moon: lord of the 4th house which is Cancer sign

Mercury: lord of the 3rd and the 6th house that are Gemini and Virgo respectively 

Venus: Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house that are Taurus and Libra respectively 

Mars: Lord of the first house (which is known as the ascendant) and the 8th house that are Aries and Scorpio respectively 

Jupiter: lord of the 9th and the 12th house that are Sagittarius and Pisces respectively 

Saturn: lord of the 10th and the 11th house that are Capricorn and Aquarius respectively 

*The shadow  planets rahu and Ketu doesn’t have a physical body therefore they don't any  have fixed ruler ship of any house but in various classical “Brihata Jataka” Rahu the north node of the moon is considered to be ruling the Aquarius and Ketu the south node of the moon is considered to be ruling the scorpio. 

Mother of astrology is philosophy predominately taking into consideration Indian mythology. There’s a mythology as to why Rahu and Ketu aren’t physical planets . It wasn’t like this earlier that they were shadow planets . There used to be a asura (demon) named Svarbhanu he was an extremely powerful and witty Asura during the churning of the ocean which is known as “The Samudhra Mathan” there were the divine Gods on one side and the Demons on the other side , when the divine Nectar (Amrit)came out as a result of the churning a huge rage held amongst the Devas and the asuras as to who would be given the nectar . As asuras were also promised the nectar but weren’t given the prudent svarbhanu disguised as the Deva sat in between the Gods and drank the Amrit and as soon as Lord Vishnu found out that he wasn’t the Deva no sooner than he beheaded him with his discus, the Sudarshana Chakra . Henceforth, the head was known as Rahu also known as demon’s head and Ketu known as the demon’s tail ended up becoming the shadow planets as they drank the nectar and became immortal.

So the most important planet which is known as the King of all the planets is the Sun . He is the significator of our atma (soul ) he is the Atmakaraka. Without sun there couldn’t be any life possible on earth it imparts sustenance and vitality. In terms of body organs it represents the digestive system left eye for a man and right eye for a female and the heart. The living significations of the sun include the Father and the Government in terms of a democratic republic and in a monarchy it is obviously the king . Sun signifies our ego , self respect, self esteem , self reliant , opinion, confidence, leadership, Authority. People with strong sun can be good government servants, administrators can be in a leadership position they tend to me hard hearted and extremely opinionated and in extreme cases it could lead to a person becoming narcissistic and extremely arrogant if it is being aspected by certain malefic planets like Rahu . Aspects in astrology means a planet imparting their effect on another it could be either positive or negative . Even though sun is the ruler , the King it is considered a malefic planet because in order to rule the kingdom the King can not be soft he needs to be extremely harsh. Sun is the ruler of the 5 th house which is the house of education(mainly under-graduation)creativity, speculations like stock market, gambling, it is also the house of love affairs but it is important to understand that it does not signify marriage. It is also the house of children, meaning offspring as it is the house of creation and giving life to someone is none less than the greatest creation. It is also the house of past life deeds , therefore it is considered extremely favourable if there are benefic planets like moon , sun , Venus, Jupiter , mercury in the 5 th house. 5th house is also the house of stage performances, including acting, dancing, any form of artistic ability is signified by the 5th house. Planets like moon , venus and even rahu tend to give huge artistic potentials . The nakshatras of sun are Kritika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashada

Of course after the king comes the queen that is the moon. Moon is considered the most beautiful planet it is white in color . It signifies the mind , the consciousness, emotions , osmoregulation in the body is also represented by the moon. Because sun and moon are the luminaries they signify the eyes moon signifies right for the women and left eye for the men. Our mental peace is moon, food,  and water bodies are also represented by the moon. In terms of living significations our mother is the moon . Moon is nourishment and mother is epitome of everything that is signified by the moon as mother provides emotional stability, comfort , food and everything possible for our survival and growth. Moon is a feminine planet it is considered to have 16 artistic abilities . Moon is considered to be exalted(best position) in the 2nd house which is Taurus . People with a prominent moon love cooking food and distributing food , tend to have a soft speech and a plumped body. Moon is best in the 2nd and 4th house which is the sign of cancer which is ruled by moon itself . 4 th house represents motherland, mother, all sorts of comforts, real estate , property, national fame , vehicles. Moon is expressions , being expressive is an extreme Significant component of moon. As mentioned before , the two extreme phases of moon the amavasya and Poornima . Moon is considered to be extremely expressive on the day of Poornima , as moon is in highest and purest form with the brightest illumination. Whereas on the day of the amavasya moon is unexpressive. Therefore moon is considered extreme Delicate. 

If anyone wants to know whether there sun and moon are in a good position in their natal chart then the connection or relationship between the father and mother is good. 

Mars is an army commander, he’s simply a soldier. A little hot under the collar. It represents a person’s physical strength, therefore the rulership of the first house is imparted to mars . The first house represents our physical form , how a person looks physically, his gestures, his appearance, complexion, hair , forehead. Friends are also represented by mars , the most fundamental need of security and stability is also represented by mars . Mars has no religion because he is a soldier. Mars is red in colour and as the red color signifies danger, aggression, energy, passion everything is associated with mars. The pressure exerted by the blood flowing in the arteries is also represented by mars . Malefic mars is considered extremely good because it gives a person ego and makes him work hard and strive to attain their goal. Mars is also courage, love for the motherland comes from mars , it is also considered as the signification of the 4th house of real estate, motherland. Even though it is debilitated in the 4 th house because 4th house is out dwelling, the comfort which we get when we are in our home, it is peace and if an aggressive entity would enter in a peaceful environment it would create turbulence. Mars is also the husband in a women’s natal chart, because mars is everything what a women would want from a man that is stability and security. Mars is exalted in the 10 th house which is the house of career and your work space because a good mars gives strength and protection to work even in the most difficult situations possible. People who have good mars they will always find support from their friends network. It is a malefic planet . It is also the lord of the 8th house of scorpiowhich is a mysterious house , it represents all the underground things like occult , mysticism, tantra, witchcraft, inheritance, psychology, scandals , death, longevity , it also represents in-laws and spouse’s wealth. 

Mercury is considered as the prince of all the planets, it represents communication, writing, speech, journalism, accountancy, auditing, hobbies, structure and definition. It is a very technical and analytical planet . It is the chief signification of learning. People with good mercury have great sense of humour. Mercury is represented by green color . Mercury is the ruler of the 3rd house which is the house of hobbies, skills, hands , siblings, courage, communication, writing, a bit of stage performance and art,gestures, expressions. The six types of knowledge to become the king is acquired by mercury. Mercury represents duality, because it is the ruler of the 3rd house which is Gemini , the symbol of Gemini is represented by two people of opposite sex facing each other. Transgenders are represented by mercury, young girls before reaching the stage of menarche are also represented by mercury. Mercury is also the ruler of the 6 house of Virgo which is a house diseases, debts, enemies, routine work. 6 th house predominantly represents the urinary system . Mercury is exalted in the 6th house.

Saturn is the slowest moving planet , he is the son of the King the sun . He is considered as the most malefic planet possible. Time is represented by Saturn , he is known as the karmafaldata , the one who is the judge of all our karmas. Saturn as it is a slow planet it represents all the things that takes time to perpetuate like coal, petrol, fossils, metals, ores etc . Saturn represents discipline and patience . Saturn amplifies pressure in order to transform the person, it is solitude . It also represents all the workers, labourers, janitor, an old person. He is the ruler of the 10 th house , Capricorn, which is the strongest house because it is the house of career and power and position. 10 th house represents international fame and authority. 10 th house is the strongest house because mars the most powerful planet is exalted in this house, because mars is the only planet which can handle the pressure given by Saturn. Therefore, malefic planets work best in the 10 th house.Another most powerful house which is also ruled by Saturn is the 11 th house which is the house of desires , it is the highest of the Kama trikona houses, fulfilment of desires is also signified by the 11 the house . This house represents our gain,our professional network circles, organisations .  Though Saturn is infamous for scaring people , considering him the deadliest of all he is actually pretty powerful and the one that can provide with everything and anything possible. Reciting the hanuman chalisa and worship lord Balaji on Saturdays can help tame a malefic Saturn and divert him to provide good results. 

Venus , one of the most beautiful planet, it is an epitome of everything a man desires . It is money , wealth, luxury , gems , jewels , expensive food, expensive wine, designer brands, fragrances, women, feminine things, clothing, it also represents germ cells (sperms and eggs) . Venus represents a wife in a man’s chart. Currency of any nation is Venus. Venus is goddess Laxmi . The goddess of wealth. Venus also represents artistic abilities, it comprises of 64 artistic abilities. It is the greatest form of arts. Venus is white in color, represents white color along with moon . Venus is also marriage, it is also represents law , partnership, unionship, business contracts. Venus is the ruler of the 2 nd house of Taurus, which represents money , assets , voice, face, eyes, eyebrows, teeth , the food we eat , vocal cords. Venus and moon are considered best in the second house of Taurus they tend to give person huge wealth and love from family and a beautiful face as well as melodious voice. Venus is also the ruler of the 7 th house libra which represents spouse, marriage, highest status,law, court room, the symbol of libra is a set of scales. 7 th house is partnership and marriage is none less than a partnership. Sun is debilitated in the 7 th house of marriage because ego and dominance doesn’t work in a relationship, it is the house of service. Venus represents love , therefore it is exalted in the 12 th house of devotion because the purest essence of love is devotion. Venus is also a teacher , the greatest teacher he is considered as the guru of the auras , he is the one who has acquired the knowledge of Sanjeevani, after offering penance to shiva for more than a century he was blessed with the Mahamrityunjata mantra mantra. 2 nd house which is ruled by Venus also represents teachers and counsellors.He is unbiased and because despite of having immense knowledge about all the vidyas and having greatest of the Siddhi’s , he chose to educate and impart his knowledge to the demons . 

Jupiter is another teacher, he is the most Satvik person , he is represented by the color yellow. He is the divine teacher and counsellor of the Gods. Jupiter represents fat in our body , people with good Jupiter will have healthy fat in the body. Jupiter represents all the vedas, philosophy, religion, religious places, religious scriptures. Jupiter is the ruler of the 9 th house of Sagittarius which represents post grad education, father, government, spirituality, religion. 9 th house is the house of dharma. Ethics, righteousness. Jupiter is also the ruler of the 12 th house which represents isolation, jails, monasteries, mental asylum, hospitals, meditation, addiction, it is the exit therefore it symbolises salvation, isolation from the mundane sufferings of the dogmatic world. Jupiter ia extremely benefic in the first, fifth, fourth, ninth and eleventh house.

Rahu is a mysterious planet it represents smoke, it is vague, it represents illusion, it is maya , it represents things done in excess, it is gambling, speculation, it represents films and photography, it is the color brown , it is never satisfied. Because it only has a mouth it is devoid of a body hence is never satisfied. Rahu or north node of the moon represents massive fame especially in the 1st ,5th and 10th house also in the signs of Leo and Taurus. All sorts of addictions, smoking, drinking, alcohol , cigarettes, intoxication are represented by rahu. Pornography and prostitution are also represented by Rahu. Rahu shows amplification of things . All sorts of undiagnosed and incurable disease are represented by Rahu . It is outcasted because among all the gods he was the demon . Rahu shows revolution, he is the most prudent of all the king of the current era the “Kalyuga “

On the other hand Ketu shows intensification of things. It is detachment , psychic abilities, clairvoyance, intuition and isolation. Ketu abstains from materialism. It doesn’t have a head only comprises of a body therefore thinks irrationally. Ketu is represented by flags , therefore can make a person reach highest in his life by spiritual means which is the highest attainment for a human.


Ishani Singh Bartwal 

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